How to Make a Crown out of Pipe Cleaners


If you’re anything like me, you love costumes, but you put it off till the last-minute. Also, if you’re even more like me, you have little to no sewing skills. Also, you’re cheap, *ahem* frugal. I am always thinking of ways I can achieve a unique look for my kids projects etc, without breaking the bank, or going insane. As I made these little crowns yesterday, I was thinking, “I should write a book, I should have a big Art Day, I should start a craft blog!” Oh my word, how many other creative mommies have had that idea. I am serious about the Art Day though, stay tuned.


So, here’s how you make them. It’s almost not worth explaining it’s so easy! And gets a vert pleasing result. And those of you that have known me a while, you know I dig crowns, especially on little kids.

You will need:

a package of silver, gold, or iridescent pipe cleaners @ $1.99

a package of headbands. I’m sure any will do, but we got the craft ones that are made to cover up so they’re super skinny. @ $2.99

non-arthritic fingers

Gems or jewels @ $1.99 (optional)

hot glue gun (optional)


I started in the middle of the headband and wrapped the front and center first. I used two more for either side and then two more for the ends making it a little thicker at the tips. Then, for my first crown I literally used 3 pipe cleaners and made arches. We bought sticky gems, and honestly, these crowns are pretty enough left alone, but Eden wants gems so we stuck them on. Very satisfying until they sticky gems fell off. We might hot glue them for trick-or-treating. The other two crowns I made I just left alone. The one that is the most utilitarian is the one that can be unisex. I again just used three pipe cleaners. I created the same arch, bent it in the middle and wrapped it around the band dividing the arch in half. I made a peak at each arch top and twisted a loop at the top. Opened up the circle with my finger. I did this with two other arches. I gives the crown a modest ‘kingly’ look. These are the two designs that worked great. The third crown I made was a bit more of a creative exploration. And as I had just a few pipe cleaners left, I cut some to made extra details. This project lends itself well to that exploration, especially since pipe cleaners are really bendy and they bend back. But, that clean smooth arch I did on the first one is nicest. The second you bend and twist it the glittery-ness bends and changes too.


My Eden is very satisfied with these crowns. When we picked up Josiah from his long field trip last night (which made the making of these crowns possible) Eden wore her crown and got a lot of attention from the first grade girls. And she’s been making sure I have a crown on every waking moment. Presenting it to me on a couch cushion, all that good stuff. So if you’re in a bind and don’t know what to be for Halloween, here’s a no brainer craft. I made one of these while feeding my baby spaghetti. I wouldn’t drive and make pipe cleaner crowns though.


One thought on “How to Make a Crown out of Pipe Cleaners

  1. Kate

    Oh, how I LOVE these pipecleaner tiaras!! I will have to make them with Lily when she is, as she would say, “a little bit bigger.” They are darling!!

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